The Nigerian – American Community Endorses ERIC ADAMS For New York City Mayor

New York NY: 06/05/2021: The Nigerian American Public Affairs Committee New York PAC is pleased to announce that the Nigerian community in New York City has endorsed Eric Adams as a Mayoral candidate for the November general election after a series of debates with the candidates and consultation among Nigerians.

After an extensive interview, due diligence, and vetting process which included a candidates Forum and poll conducted among the Nigerian community, Adams ranked first with 51.5 percent, Ray McGuire was ranked second at 27.3 percent and Andrew Yang was third at 21.2 percent.

“Based on the criteria used to judge the candidates, Hon Eric Adams, the Brooklyn Borough President emerged as the number one ranked candidate. said Gbenga Omotayo, Chairman of NAPAC New York. “This collaborative process in the selection process, the first in the history of our community in New York, could not have been successful without the hard work and coming together of a broad base of Nigerian Leaders in New York City.”

NAPAC New York will be working diligently over the next two weeks to ensure that Eric Adams prevails at the Democratic Party Primaries so he can implement his ‘People’s Plan’ that will deliver the cash assistance, childcare, and housing support that working families need now.

We encourage every registered Party Member to join us and vote for Eric Adams, as we work together to make New York City a place where both businesses and families can prosper once again.

NAPAC New York is created to help engage, inform, and empower Nigerian-Americans in the United States towards establishing a political platform & voice for Nigerians by influencing the election of candidates into elective positions. 

NAPAC supports candidates and policies that embrace small government, economic and individual freedom, and who will uphold the constitutional principles upon which our City, state, and country were founded.
